Carpet Cleaners to the Rescue – Read More Here
We have spoken before about the need for professional carpet cleaning. In essence, the results that we can achieve far outweigh those of other cleaning methods. Not only are you likely to waste a lot of time, and effort, those efforts will be fruitless in comparison. It might sound harsh, but it really is true. We often speak with clients how have tried different carpet cleaning methods. They try tirelessly to stay on top of carpet stains and generally don’t wear shoes so that dirt is kept to a minimum. Carpets laid in hallways can be a particular challenge due [...]
4 Reasons to Keep Your Carpets Clean – Read More Here
This is a patterned polypropylene carpet we were asked to clean and in a hallway. The image shows how halfway through the true colours started to emerge. Keeping carpets clean may fall low down on your list of ‘things to do’. However, many there are many day-to-day tasks that may initially appear unimportant that can be pivotal. Carpet cleaning is important to maintaining a healthy and clean home environment. Here is a list of a reasons why you should keep your home carpets clean: Improved appearance It is undeniable that clean carpets look great. Beneath that fact is the assurance [...]
Stone Floor Cleaning Coupon Code – Read More Here
Looking for a stone cleaning coupon? While we work very hard to ensure that our clients receive great value for money, we understand everybody likes a discount! We regularly update our Special Offers page with our latest discount codes. Our current discount is for the cleaning and restoration of tiled floors and natural stone. Our professional stone cleaning services are offered with our exceptional guarantee. This guarantee ensures that you are pleased with the results that we achieve. How Does It Work? When you enquire we only ask that you quote the reference: CLEANTILES10. This then allows us to alter [...]
How to Clean Karndean Flooring – Read More Here
Cleaning Karndean requires knowledge of the products and machinery needed. With these two elements, alongside experience and knowledge of Karndean cleaning will lead to beautifully clean flooring. Karndean is a vinyl flooring and is structured in layers. These layers are built up of a high-definition photographic layer with other protective layers and coatings. Another benefit of this floor type is that it is produced to be slip resistant and therefore is propelled as an all-round superior flooring option. Did you know that you have options of decorative borders or you are able to select simple laying of the tiles or [...]
Why hire a professional to clean your upholstery? – Read More Here
It is quite understandable that everyone has financial pressures, so some make the assumption that hiring a professional to clean their upholstery is a luxury, not a necessity. There are a few elements to consider as part of this process. The following has been put together to guide you through the process of why hiring a professional really is a necessity and why we provide such great value for money. We offer superior finishes; a lot of our clients report using upholstery cleaning products and using self-taught techniques of cleaning their upholstery. It is important when you are cleaning your [...]
Cleaning Carpets Thornton-Cleveleys
Brights Cleaning have built up a well-respected local reputation for carpet cleaning. We are based in Thornton-Cleveleys, however we serve all of Lancashire for carpet cleaning and carpet protection services. This is a video of us cleaning a synthetic carpet in Thornton. It shows our carpet cleaning machinery working to clean the carpet fibres. What has happened prior to this video? Large furnishings are removed from the area that we are cleaning, where possible. We then use our high filtration vacuum to remove all particles and debris from the carpet. Pre-spot cleaning is completed alongside a heavy-duty pre-spray. Our [...]
Removing Wax from Carpets Blackpool – Read More Here
Stains on carpets can be problematic. While we were completing some carpet cleaning work in a hotel in Blackpool, they voiced a concern about some wax that had been spilled. It turned out that some wax had been dropped onto their carpet and they had made attempts to try and remove it. These attempts had been unsuccessful, so they wondered if we were able to help. Candle wax can be quite a challenge to fully remove. It repels water and liquid, so it means that certain products cannot remove the stain. Therefore, it requires specific techniques and tools in order [...]
Perplexed by Purple – Read More Here
We often discuss the fact that professional carpet cleaning brings out patterns in carpets, hidden under layers of dirt. It restores the carpets original appearance after many years of wear, use and grime build up. We were asked to clean this carpet in a bungalow in Preesall. It had not been cleaned in a number of years and at first glance appeared grey in colour. However, after a deep clean then the true purple colour was revealed, much to the delight of our client. You really would not believe that a carpet could change colour so dramatically during the cleaning [...]
Removing Sick Stains Kirkham – Read More Here
This may not be our most glamourous topic, but it is, nevertheless, important that we discuss the process for removing sick stains. Why? It may not be a much-discussed topic, however, if you are faced with the task of removing a sick stain you will likely place high value to any advice. Sick stains are particularly challenging to remove. This is often due to the corrosive nature of the stain and the fact that they are difficult to clean up. This image shows a stain caused by someone being sick on a woollen carpet in Kirkham. As you can see [...]
How to Remove Wax from Carpet – Read More Here
Looking to remove wax from your carpets? There are a huge range of carpet stains, all of which require an individual approach to fully remove them. Some are easier to remove, and some are more challenging. Candle wax can be straightforward to remove. However, when we arrived at this job it turned out that the candle wax was red in colour and it had set solid. We were therefore faced with the challenge of successfully removing the wax stain as well as the red colour that had absorbed into the carpet. Successful removal of the wax, but not the red [...]
Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services – Read More Here
This is an office carpet we were asked to clean, adjoining a restaurant. It has quite a few greasy sticky areas. However, as you can see from the video, the hot water extraction heats to a high heat thus dissolving the grease and removing it from the carpet. The carpet cleaning machinery we use almost makes it look like light work to remove challenging carpet stains. The truth is that the machinery is specifically formulated with high power to work deep into the carpet fibres. Why is this important? Other cleaning machinery may cost less, but you really do [...]
Removing Nail Polish Blackpool – Read More Here
There is a huge variation of stains that appear on our carpets that provide us with a challenge to remove. If you were to ask individuals what their nightmare stain would be, it is highly likely that nail polish would be high on the list. Take this one step further and dark-coloured nail polish would be enough to worry any homeowner. We received a call from our client in South Shore, Blackpool who had spilled some blue nail varnish onto her pink bedroom carpet. The Internet provides us with the option of looking for advice on how to remove carpet [...]
Removing Filtration Marks Poulton – Read More Here
Issues with filtration marks? Carpets experience a host of varying dirt build up, some of which are individual. Some, on the other hand, are frequently seen due to their origin. One of our clients called us in to see what “those ziggy zaggy” black marks are. Well, these marks are filtration marks or also called draught marks. They are very common and occur around the edges of carpets caused by dirt sitting at the edge of the fibres. The marks can come from the top and even from underneath where the floors are not sealed. As you can see, we [...]
Why Clean Your Upholstery? Read More Here
It is an undeniable fact that well-cared for upholstery looks better. Regular cleaning removes the bacteria and other airborne contaminants that take residence on your upholstery fibres. These may be unseen, but it does not mean that they are not harmful. Upholstery is attacked by a number of pollutants and contaminants. These in isolation can cause skin irritations, allergies and even infections. Bacteria Professional upholstery cleaning removes bacteria from your upholstery. Bacteria can be found on all surfaces within your home. It can, however, be a more of a challenge to remove them from your soft furnishings in comparison to [...]
The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Upholstery – Read More Here
Our ultimate guide to cleaning upholstery. Got questions? Let’s face it, dirty upholstery is off-putting and unsightly. We talk about it a lot, but the question is: why do people live with dirty upholstery? The following infographic has been put together to offer the ultimate guide to upholstery cleaning. Straightforward, right? The key is the equipment that we use and the methods and techniques to which we employ. Many think a wipe with a damp cloth will breathe new life into your weathered upholstery. The fact is that there are a host of dry particles, oils and bacteria that sit [...]