Searching for a ‘Carpet Cleaner Near Me’? – Read More Here
‘Carpet cleaner near me’ seems to be the way in which many of our clients find us. We always try to understand the ways in which our clients find our company. It means that we are able to correctly target clients looking for reputable carpet cleaners. Quite a number of our clients have recently told us that they searched for ‘carpet cleaner near me’. They have then come across our company website. From this point it is important that we impress our clients with the information they see. This is in terms of information and advice. However, we also feel [...]
Removing Wax from Carpets Wrea Green – Read More Here
Removing wax is notoriously challenging from carpets and other upholstery. The wax gets into the material fibres and causes a real issue to remove. Another consideration needs to be colour transfer of the wax. Even if the wax is fully removed there can be additional residual staining left behind. There are clear and concise tips and advice, key to successfully removing wax. An important tip is to act fast. Get in contact with your local carpet cleaner and let them know the nature of the carpet stain. The longer a stain is present, the harder it will be to remove. [...]
Removing Stains from Sofas Wrea Green – Read More Here
Removing stains can be really difficult. We all spend a lot of time sitting on our sofas. This is never truer than the moment while we are all advised to stay at home. This means that our sofas experience a lot of wear and tear. The arms of our sofas tend to experience more soiling than other parts. Why is this? There are a few reasons why the arms of our sofas end up being more soiled than other parts. We tend to (by their very nature) lean on the arms of our sofas. This can cause two issues in [...]
Cleaning Carpets and Upholstery During Coronavirus
We are still cleaning carpets and upholstery during the Coronavirus Pandemic. In these uncertain times it is even more important to get things Deeply Cleaned & Sanitised and our specialist system delivers this for you. It is a good starting point to discuss the benefits of our truck mounted carpet cleaning unit. Our 'Steam Cleaning' unit heats to a high heat, thus dissolving any dirt and grease in the carpets/ furniture and removing harmful pollen, pollutants and bacteria. It also dries the carpets much quicker for your convenience. Our truck-mounted 'Steam Cleaning' unit is sited outside any buildings or areas that requires cleaning. [...]
Cleaning Limestone Tiles Preston – Read More Here
Cleaning limestone tiles can be a challenge due to their light colouration. Dirt brought in from the outside gets ingrained into the tile’s surface. Routine cleaning can often drag this dirt from the surface of the tile into the grout lines. However, dirt and grime does still remain on the tile. Over time, this becomes harder and harder to remove. Therefore routinely, it is always a good idea to ask for help from professional stone cleaners. Stone cleaning machinery used by professionals really deep cleans the tile’s surface. Furthermore, it manages to remove the dirt and grime from the grout [...]
Removing Pet Stains Garstang – Read More Here
Removing pet stains can be a challenge for even the most competent individuals. They are quite complex in their nature. This is a green woolen carpet we deep cleaned in Garstang, Lancashire. Our client’s dog had been laying on it. The grease and dirt from its coat had stained the carpet. Most advice would say to blot up the grease stain as much as possible. This becomes a real challenge with these sorts of carpet stains. Why? Because the grease stain has no excess grease. There is effectively nothing (much) to blot up. If you were to put a paper [...]
Removing Rust Stains Wrea Green – Read More Here
Are you struggling with removing rust stains? Safety floors are appropriate for many different reasons and applications. Some people recognise it as non-slip flooring. Either way, it is engineered to minimise risk of slipping. It is also designed to provide safe movement in the areas where it is fit. This may take into account spillage of contaminants or movement around the area. This is a safety floor we cleaned in Wrea Green. The fridge had leaked leaving a rust stain on the floor. Rust stains are notoriously challenging to remove. However, after a lot of hard work we were able [...]
Removing Mold from Carpets – Read More Here
Some feel thoroughly removing mold from carpets is too difficult to take on themselves. We were invited to deep clean this carpet. It has been previously flooded. However, unfortunately the owner had not noticed the water under the rug. When the rug was lifted, the carpet was very mouldy underneath. After a really deep clean and sanitise using anti bacterial products we were able to save this carpet. Unfortunately, the rug had to be thrown out as it was beyond cleaning. It is important that you seek advice from your carpet cleaner. Although we are capable of extensive carpet cleaning, [...]
Cleaning Commercial Carpets Kirkham – Read More Here
We often discuss how important cleaning commercial carpets is. Keeping on top of carpet cleaning can have a big impact on your business. It will offer a positive appearance to anyone visiting or working within the premises. That, alongside other current factors, it has never been more important to offer a hygienically clean space. This is corridor to a hotel near Kirkham that we were asked to clean. It has a lot of foot fall so was looking past it’s best. After a deep clean it came back to life, much to the delight of our clients. What helps makes [...]
Removing Carpet Stains – Read More Here
It is not always a viable option to keep replacing a used carpet. Carpets that are found in other areas than our homes often experience high foot traffic and wear. It is not always possible to replace these carpets when they become dirty. This is a children’s play area we were asked to clean. It had bad stains on it but after a deep clean we were able to restore it. Some would say it would have been better to replace the carpet with its areas of wear. However, this was not an option, so deep cleaning provided a much-needed [...]
Cleaning Stair Carpets Bispham – Read More Here
If you were to ask the one problematic area for dirty carpets, most would say the stairs. Cleaning stair carpets can be really challenging as they experience such high footfall. The way in which people use stair carpets is also very similar. There will be tracking patterns where users tread in almost exactly the same place every time. This is a staircase we cleaned recently for a lady that is in our maintenance programme. This is a programme we offer to all clients that allows us to keep on top of regular cleaning. This makes sure your carpets are left [...]
How to Remove Grease from Upholstery – Read More Here
Are you looking for advice on how to remove grease from your upholstery? We were recently invited to help deep clean this recliner chair. When we arrived, we could see that the chair had a lot of head grease that had discoloured the fabric. Alongside this, it was also evident that the chair could definitely benefit from an all over deep clean. While head grease will build up over time, it is important to keep on top of it. It is unsightly and unfortunately can smell. If you are faced with head grease on your upholstery sofa, it is important [...]
How to Clean Safety Floors Kirkham – Read More Here
What is Safety Flooring? Safety flooring is specifically engineered and designed to minimise risk and provide safe movement in areas of the home or business. This may be in terms of exposure to a spillage or contaminants. By incorporating aggregates into the production process, manufacturers are able to reduce the impact that contaminants can have. This means that they promote slip-resistance from a number of common contaminants including grease, shampoo, and water. What are the benefits of Safety Flooring? This type of floor provides resistance against slipping and also against contaminants. It is therefore really important that you are able [...]
Dirty Hallway Carpets Blackpool – Read More Here
Dirty carpets in hallways are very common. Not everyone feels it appropriate to have a carpet laid in the hallway. It is where we enter our home. Even taking your shoes off immediately doesn’t mean that the carpet will remain clean. Dirt is brought in from outside and effectively transferred onto the carpet fibres. There are ways around this such as what this customer did. They selected a striped carpet. This type of carpet does hide dirt more than a solid coloured carpet. However, this does not mean that the dirt is not present. It may hide it better, but [...]
Cleaning Upholstery Chairs Lancashire – Read More Here
We were asked to help our client clean these upholstery chairs at a local school. Although prior to cleaning it was evident that the chairs were dirty, it only really became completely visual during the cleaning process. We were really pleased with the results that we were able to achieve. The chairs almost returned to like new. All dirt and stains were removed with our powerful cleaning machinery. How does upholstery cleaning work? Upholstery cleaning is similar to carpet cleaning in that difficult stains can be pre-treated. The material is then cleaned with our state-of-the-art cleaning machines. These are truck [...]